Swim Team

Northville Penguins Victorious!
League Champions 2013-2019 • 2021-2022 • 2024
General Information
Coach Maura Ehrlichwill lead the 2024 swim team.
NSC have been the League Champions from 2013-2019 & 2021-2022, a title last held by the Penguins in 1985. Northville Swim Club now holds 15 league championship titles, the record for most league championships since the inception of the Summer Independent Swim League (SISIL), as well as many individual club & league records. To read more about the recent success of NSC and its coaching staff, click here.
Visit the SWIM PORTAL for the most up-to-date information, to register swimmers, volunteer for meets, swim meet details, meet results, swimmer times, to purchase banquet tickets & swim caps, and more. We are using TeamUnify for our swim team management: returning members should first register their swimmers for 2024, then use the login from last year to access team member information. New members should create a new login to TeamUnify in order to register and access the portal.
IMPORTANT! It takes a LOT of help to run a swim meet. Each family is required to earn 4 volunteer points (1 meet = 2 points) by signing up for swim meet jobs through our SWIM PORTAL.
Practice & Participation
Practices run daily, Monday - Friday at the times listed below.
Swim meets are on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Swimmers MUST arrive no later than 5pm for check in. Meets start at 6pm and generally finish by 9pm.
The League Championship meet is Saturday, July 27 for all swimmers. The team banquet is scheduled for the evening of July 27.
It takes a LOT of swimmers to swim a swim meet. If you are on the team, you are expected to be there to swim. When missing a meet is unavoidable, use TeamUnify to sign your swimmer out of the meet at least 48 hours in advance.
Practice Schedule
Swimmer who swam competitively outside summer swim league
(e.g., high school, middle school, or club swimming)
7:15 - 8:30am
Swimmers who can swim all four strokes legally and complete 200 meters without stopping
8:30 - 9:30am
Swimmers who can swim one length of the pool and need
help learning the strokes
9:30 - 10am
2024 Swim Team Events
New Swimmer Evaluation
First Day of Practice
League Meet
Parent Meeting
Picture Day
End of Year Party 6-10pm
Swim Team Gear Event
July 26
Fire Up Party
Fairway Farms
"Swimming with the Stars"
New to the swim team?
To determine the best level for your swimmer, please arrive at 3:30pm for an evaluation. (Only new swimmers should attend.)
Order t-shirts, sweatshirts, yard signs,
and other team gear.
See times and information above.
Pictures (group and optional individual shots) will be taken at 3pm, before the swim meet.
Following each morning practice session.
Pre-purchase food &beverages through the Swim Portal using the "Add-on purchases" button next to your registered swimmer
Information coming soon
Immediately following the new swimmer evaluations, there will be a brief parent meeting.